Books To Live By

Winners Expect to Win at All Areas of Life. From Business to Mindset to Relationships, M'Lisa Has an Upcoming Book to Help You Do Just That.


The ACRE Method™: Proven Success Secrets For Business Owners in Service Industries

Centered around M'Lisa's signature methodology to increase revenue and business success, this book will help you follow The ACRE Method™ to Attract your Ideal Client, Convert them through increased Sales, Retain them with excellent customer service standards, and Expand through improving your backend and hiring your dream team.

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Imposter Who?: How to Recognize Your Value & Leave Imposter Syndrome Behind

Imposter Syndrome plagues countless entrepreneurs and would-be achievers by causing them to question their value, experience, and gifts they could bring to this world. Based on M'Lisa's own process, this book will teach you actionable steps to break out of Imposter Syndrome and other limiting beliefs to unlock your true potential.

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Sex Education: Lessons I've Learned From People I've F*cked

Growing up in an ultra-religious culture, M'Lisa was taught that nothing good could ever be gained from sexual activity outside of marriage. This book compiles the lessons she learned from the relationships she had to show the world that every experience, "good" or "bad", can shape us in beautiful ways to become who we are meant to be.

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Business For Real: How to Stop Treating Your Business Like a Hobby & Embrace Your Role as an Empowered CEO

As a consultant, M'Lisa has seen so many business owners make mistakes that lead to stress, decreased profits, resentment, and negativity surrounding their companies. This book will guide you through structuring your business and policies to protect your efforts and allow you to better serve your customers and team.

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"I believe every experience in life is meant to enrich the world-- Even the 'bad' ones. If I don't use them to learn and help others learn, too, what was the point of going through it all?"

-- M'Lisa